Foods for Life vists JCCC culinary school

Foods for Life vists JCCC culinary school

Foods for life teacher, Jennifer Joiner, took her classes and FCCLA on a field trip to explore the Johnson County Community College Culinary Arts program. The students have previously worked in the kitchen on many homely dishes such as cookies or cinnamon rolls, but this field trip exposed to a new style of cooking.
“As soon as we walked in there were people cooking and preparing for an international competition they are holding in June,” said sophomore Kirstin Arnett.
The JCCC school’s culinary program is one of the best in the nation. Even though the school is a community college, it has been recognized world wide.
“If I were going into this field this is where I would want to go. The class times are flexible, the tuition is cheap, and they have a 96% employment rate,” said junior Garrett Bell.
The students got to see the high tech kitchen appliances most kitchens can not afford. The students also learned about the 3D printer the school got a grant for and will be receiving by next semester. This device will be able to print edible food.
“I was really looking forward to the printer, but they didn’t have it set up all the way. Besides the printer I learned a lot and had fun,” said senior Cshakuore Temple.
The FACS department does not usually get to go on field trips, but this trip left a lasting impact on all students that attended.