Popular jobs around the school

Students are struggling to find jobs in the community. Students have busy schedules already with school and extracurriculars, so trying to find a job that will work around those schedules is even harder.

“I was working at Sonic, but I had to quit because I didn’t have many hours since I had rehearsals with theater,” said sophomore Tessa Velez.

Many places aren’t hiring right now, but will be soon because seniors will be moving away.

“My family own Lorenzo’s and I know my mom has mentioned to some applicants that they should wait until spring to apply because there are many openings,” said junior Ashley Ahrens.

Job requirements or prerequisites are tough for young students to meet. Freshmen aren’t usually able to get jobs because they are just turning 15 and are unable to always have transportation.

“I wanted to start working as a lifeguard because my aunt manages the Harrisonville outdoor pool, but my parents weren’t always available to drive me in the summer,” said sophomore Lauren Johnson.

Frustrating restrictions also keep students away from applying to certain places.

Many workplaces have a certain dress code or rules that students have trouble following.

“I work at iHOP, and I am not allowed to come in on my off days to eat. This ticks me off because my friends always want to go eat breakfast during late starts there and I can’t,” said Velez.

Many of these obstacles will slowly deteriorate as students grow up, but the experience of having a job while going to school will help prepare students for their after high school life.