DECA proves to benefit students in their careers


For high school students going to work during the week can be a part of their daily lives. However what the majority of students are not aware of is that there is a class here at school that can make that experience easier. This class is DECA which focuses on teaching marketing, finance, hospitality, and management to students. This knowledge can benefit students when they are working especially those in customer service.

“DECA helps me learn about how to upsell to people, how to approach customers, and how to overcome objections,” said senior Cali Brown.

By taking DECA classes students also realize just how much of an impact enrolling in these marketing classes can make.

“Taking DECA classes has changed me at work because I have learned how to do things at work differently. It helps me know how the management feels and how to better the company,” said senior Ali Landrum.

In teacher Kimberly Schrader’s DECA classes students learn about promotion, upselling,  marketing, strategizing, etc. These skills greatly benefit students as they can turn around and immediately put them to use at their job.

“I find myself using what I learned about promotion by asking customers if they want orange juice or coffee if they order breakfast food. I also tell customers about new food items from upselling,” said senior Tailer Armenta.

For students DECA can be an important addition to their high school experience particularly if they are employed.

“I think it shows [students] a lot of thing about customer service, promotion, etc. because I didn’t know anything about that before this class,” said Armenta.

Throughout the year DECA helps students both in and out of the classroom by teaching them skills that they will carry with them for a lifetime.