Tyler Putney: The fight for “The Rail”

Class clash begins for rights of the rail

For years, Panther Stadium has been packed Friday nights. For years, the student body came together and cheered on their team. For years, seniors have stood on the edge of the stands, practically touching the turf. But now after years of routine, the battle for the rail has commenced.

Earlier this week, a tweet came out stating that juniors had the rights to the rail this year. Almost instantly, the tweet exploded all over social media, people in agreement, and others, not so much. Arguments naturally followed suit, over Twitter, Facebook, and face to face. The argument has become so heated, some students have even taken to “tagging” their cars with the phrase, “#senior rail”.

The tradition has been around since the building of the new Panther Stadium, and even before that. Ther natural pecking order has gone unchanged, with freshmen at the top of the bleachers, to seniors at the bottom. Changing the order now is like saying juniors will graduate before seniors- it just doesn’t make sense.

Of course not all juniors are in agreement with this thought, but those who are feel they actually have a place on the rail- something that will definitely not be tolerated by seniors when the first game comes around. If this does happen, it will undoubtedly lead to a bit more physical arguments.

I understand the rail is a seemingly intangible object, something that seems as awesome as El Dorado, The City of Gold. But the thing is, seniors have waited their turn. They have waited their four years, without causing a ruckus I might add. It’s no big deal if there is one more year to wait. Trust me, it goes by fast, juniors. Soon enough the rail will be yours; when you’re a senior of course.