The spring play: “The Curious Savage” begins April 16
Coming up soon, the theater department will be performing a new show. The show is titled, “The Curious Savage” and is set in a sanatorium during the ‘50s. Teacher and director Kelly Freeland explains the basic story line.
“Mrs. Savage is an older woman that has inherited her husband’s fortune after he passes away. Like someone that donates to a Kick Start Project, she has been giving away some of the inheritance so that people can fund their dreams. In order to stop this behavior, Mrs. Savage’s step children have admitted her to a sanatorium,” said Freeland. “The play revolves around the step children’s desire to recover money that Mrs. Savage has hidden, and Mrs. Savage’s insight about herself and others with each new friendship she makes.”
The cast is small, and all of the cast members get to know each other pretty well as they create the production together. The main character, Mrs. Savage, is played by junior Madyson Quest. She says that a lot of hard work is put into memorizing lines, perfecting movements, and creating the production. Personally, she is getting to know her own character.
“Mrs. Savage is in her upper fifties, she is very spunky, she doesn’t mind sharing her opinions, she is very traditional, but still has a lot of humor left in her to be shared,” said Quest.
Before picking this show, Freeland, theater teacher Todd Schnake, and technical director Karla Penechar were all a part of deciding which production they would create. Narrowing it down to a single script is a difficult process. If the theater department doesn’t pick the right one, changing their decision would mean starting over. Sophomore Ian Fleming remembers what was said from the teachers while they were choosing a script.
“I know there was a lot of time spent going over scripts. I know that for a while, there were four scripts that she had in mind. [The show that she picked is] very similar in the style that she likes to direct. It’s a nice, funny show and is a blast to be apart of,” said Fleming.
“The Curious Savage” was picked over the other scripts for different reasons. The heartwarming storyline, the comedy, and the universal lessons that the show teaches about kindness and compassion. The actors and directors invite everyone to attend the show during April, through the 16 to the 19.