National Honor Society cleans up after football games

Ray-Pec football games brings in hundreds of fans, both for them and the opposition. Friday night games host a wealth of concessions for spectators to enjoy the game, but are left afterward in the stands. So, the National Honors Society works with the custodians to clean up after the game.

“(National Honors Society) is a national organization honoring excellence in academics, character, leadership, and community service,” said NHS sponsors Joe O’Neal and Laura Streicher. NHS does a lot of community service events, such as cleaning up after the games, cleaning up the high school campus, and picking up trash on highways.

Junior Taylor Felz said she joined because, “It is a really good program, and to help our community. I like the idea of being around people that share common values and morals with me.”

This year, there is almost 100 members in the club, which O’Neal and Streicher believe are among the best of the school.

“They are dedicated, motivated, and have high aspirations for achievement,” said O’Neal and Streicher.

Half of the club is made up of returning members, who liked the experience enough to continue helping out in the community.

“I definitely plan on joining again next year. (NHS) is a really good organization, and it really helps clean up the community,” said junior Jeana Scott, “It gives me a chance to better myself, and it was almost a challenge for me in order to join in the first place, since its such a prestigious club.”

Felz said she loves being in the program working with her peers.

“I love all the people I get to work with,” said Felz, “It is a good group of kids, and it gives me a sense of community to work with them.”

If you see any NHS members after the game, be sure to thank them for their hard work cleaning up the stadium.