The use of technology and its affects on students

Keera Banks, Staffer

Over the years technology has become a part of everyday life. Teachers use technology for almost everything from creating assignments, to meeting with students, and teaching their lessons. To some, it may look like teachers rely on technology too much.

Technology use has increased tremendously since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some students could be traumatized from all the computer work from last year, almost everything was done on the computer and that was very difficult for most students. Students didn’t get a break, and assignments kept coming every day. Communication could be difficult when everything is online and that could lead to students not understanding or not finishing assignments.

With reliance on technology being so high, it can be difficult for teachers to have a backup plan. During an assignment online the computer could suddenly turn off and all progress could be lost. A computer could explode, the probability is very low but it is always possible with technology. During class, a student could drop their computer and the screen could shatter completely. Computers are unpredictable most of the time. Computers aren’t always reliable, and then teachers have to learn to troubleshoot, which causes there to be less time to get work done.

For some students, websites can be tricky, and when a student is given directions on a website the directions could be unclear and that student could be confused about the assignment. The format of most websites are different, so using multiple at once can be confusing, difficult, and overwhelming.

There are multiple distractions on computers. When students are supposed to be doing an online assignment they could be playing games or watching shows on an illegal website. Although teachers often block these websites and games, it usually doesn’t work or last long because new games and websites pop up or are created, and students can be hard to control.
Teachers keep blocking games and websites to try to stop their students, but they could just stop relying on technology so that their students wouldn’t have the opportunity to do the wrong thing.

Using other things like paper assignments or notes and simple lessons could help students understand the material better. Using technology occasionally is good, but using it every day can cause many problems.