See you at the Pole

Hollie Williams and Megan Runions

See you at the Pole is a student-led Christian event held before school, where students go to the flagpole at their school and pray. Leader of SYATP at Ray-Pec is Jacob Govro.
“What SYATP means to me is that it’s a place you can go and express your faith in God, with fellow people at school that do,” said sophomore Jordan Jermain.
SYATP was started by a few teenagers in Texas of 1990. When they realized what they did, they drove to three other schools that night and prayed with other students. Before they knew it, the tradition grew bigger and now SYATP is global.
“I’ve been supporting SYATP every year since I’ve worked here, I’m there as a supporter for kids standing up for their belief,” said Math and P.E teacher Scott Jermain.
SYATP is all student-led, adults are not allowed to lead, but are there for supporting the children. Teachers at Ray-Pec such as Coach Jermain, and other teachers stand by the kids during the prayers and stand as supporters. says, “Students are allowed to lead to express and find their way through God.”
“SYATP isn’t about the meaning, it’s about what you make it. Being able to express your beliefs, especially with all the problems in the world, being able to pray and show faith is encouraging,” said Govro.
SYATP has been spreading around worldwide. Here at Ray-Pec, it’s been spreading around the community. Signs have been put up around school to publicize SYATP, and more Christians are joining.
“Praying as a group is a very powerful and moving to me.” said Grovo.
“Overall, it’s just a fun experience to do with people who share the same things as you.” says Jermain.