Traffic troubles

Dylan Cheatham and

After seven hours of education and the final bell rings and everyone is ready to go home but wait there’s one problem, the traffic in the parking lot is in complete chaos, bumper on bumper, horns honking, just people trying to get home but are stuck in the dreaded traffic that no one likes.

English teacher Heather Clark knows the struggles of the traffic flow in and out of the school.

“Yes, it seems to have one main way to get instead of multiple ways.” said Clark.

The reason for the one main way in and out of school is that the primary road, School Road. Next to the school that was the main way of getting into the high school. Closed down for the making of the new road, students are feeling the struggle of the construction. No one likes the fact that the road was closed down so close to the start of the school year, but some difficult obstacles came in the way.

“They had to get landowners to sign off on it before and right before school started the federal money was frozen and put on delay.” said Principal Steven Miller who says the road should be open and fully operative by early October.

Until the road is fully operational students and  teachers are expected to use the alternate routes behind the football stadium to get in and out of school. With that being said there are some difficulties to this as some people have had to start leaving for school earlier than usual.

For sophomore Payton Ball he likes to get to early school.

“6:50 is when I start driving to school because I like getting to school early, there’s less traffic.” but for Ball he plays football and doesn’t have to drive in the traffic after school because he has practice.

With the add-on of the high school the school added late starts on Thursdays allowing students to be at school at 9:33 a.m. .This helps students catch up on sleep and gives the teachers more planning time.

“They help me because especially after football the next day I’m sore and tired’’ said Ball.

But another person disagrees, Clark has a different view on the matter.

“No, because we have the teachers that still have to be here around 7.” said Clark.

The school doesn’t have any solutions to help eliminate the traffic until the road opens again, but Miller believes after the road is finished then it should help the traffic.

“No, because once School Road is finished then it should dial down.”  said, Miller.

With the addition to the high school building meant the old north building became a new middle school. With the parking lot taken away also means less parking spaces for students and teachers. The idea of the high school using the middle school as a another parking space didn’t sound like something that was gonna happen.

“No, because it would create more traffic than good.” said Miller.

Although the students and teachers may not like this process it will all be worth in the end to insure the safety of everyone.