Homework is here to stay


Sydney Bearden, Reporter

A new debate has arisen in the last decade affecting schools around the nation: should schools assign students homework, or should all school work be done during class? There are advantages and disadvantages to students completing homework. As these debates go on, homework continues to be a part of school life.

Teachers assign homework for different reasons. One of the reasons for assigning  homework is to help students get a better understanding of what they are learning. Another major reason is to prepare students for further education, beyond high school.

“It does add to their education and prepare them for life after high school. Definitely a skill they will need if they choose to go onto college as well,” said social studies teacher Trent Gatzemeyer.

Though homework is sometimes just an assignment that did not get finished in class, teachers have other reasons for specifically giving work for outside of the classroom.

“When you take a break from the class time to the time you work on homework many concepts need to be relearned as they have not been completely retained,” said math teacher Sergio Zendejas.  

Homework can be more intense for different classes. For students with extracurricular activities in the evening, homework is just another thing to get done. With an already full plate, many of these busy students have even less time for other activities: work, family, chores, sports.

“I schedule my sleep around it. Sometimes I’m up until two o’clock in the morning,” said junior Daniella Grossman.

Homework is a part of both students’ and teachers’ lives, and as long as it is not harshly and negatively impacting them, assigning homework is not likely to end.