The big deal


Jack Patton, Reporter

National Signing Day is right around the corner and everyone is preparing for the big day. The NCAA holds three different signing days for high school athletes, and the biggest, most anticipated day is Feb. 3.

“The NCAA sets up three signing days, there’s early signing period, national signing day, and late signing day which is in the spring” said the school’s athletic director, Tom Kruse.

For the athletes, committing to an institution for the next four or more years can be huge deal.

“Those kids are committing to signing their national letter of intent with an institution to continue their education and get a chance to play the sport they excel at,” said Kruse.

The school’s and coaches have a lot of pride in their athletes, so it’s a big day for the schools as well. The high school will hold  the ceremony in the south main gym where everyone will come together to watch the athletes sign.

“It’s good recognition for your school that you have student athletes that are going on to have an opportunity to get a degree and continue to play a sport that they thrive at,” said Kruse.

The national event can be a confusing time for those that have multiple offers from different institutions. They have to decide on where to spend their lives for the next 4 years.

“Signing day is not an exact science. It can be frustrating, it’s definitely stressful because they’re deciding where to go to college for the next 4 or more years and a lot of times it’s the schools that have a need for a position,” said Kruse.

The high school, along with many other high schools across the country, will hold a ceremony to watch the athletes commit to an institution to continue playing the sport that they excel at.

“Our signing day here at the high school starts at 9 am, each one of the student athletes will sign their national letter of intent, they’ll have their parents at the podium with them, and then say a little speech and take some pictures,” said Kruse.

Many people will show up to watch the athletes sign their National Letters of Intent. The athletes have a chance to invite their family and friends to the ceremony.

“Each one of our signees will have the ability to invite 25 friends or family members to the signing ceremony,” said Kruse.

As athletes sign their intent for the next four years of their life, emotions will run high at the national signing day here at the school.