For the love of music

Katie Johns, Reporter

Senior Nick Schneider has some unique talents and opportunities under his sleeve that other students may not know about. Schneider has actually performed in Kauffman Center his original song named “Big,” and been invited to the Music Hall at the State Thespian Conference. His singing and piano talents have truly helped him succeed in the theater department.

“I’ve been  singing and playing the piano since I was 5 or 6, so I had already been doing performance type stuff. So when I started doing theater in middle school, I had already been performing things, so I was used to being on stage,” said Schneider.

His talents have a close spot next to his heart, right next to his love for drama.

“Singing and playing the piano means a lot. It’s a place where I can really be myself and I can express myself other than just talking. It’s something that is uniquely mine,” said Schneider.

As he continues shining his way through the theatrical and musical arts, Schneider will be sure to keep his passions thriving.