New computer programming class hits the Business Department


Sydney Bearden, Reporter

Joining the current technology-based courses is Java Class, an experienced computer programming class for upperclassmen.  

Java Class is a course designed to prepare students for future jobs or college classes in computer programming. The goal is to teach students who completed Computer Programming 1 more about Java coding.

“This course will give the students fundamental skills needed for college courses in computer science, applied mathematics, or computer information system,” said teacher of the class, HueyRu Strauss.

One of the main points of Java Class is custom-making applications and dictating how they function.

“Basically, we just make applications…and you code it to make it do certain stuff that you want it to do,” said sophomore Tanner Trivers, who is taking the class.

Java Class gives the information needed for computer programming, along with providing the right environment to get the work done. The small class sizes also make students enjoy the class more, and make it easier for them to pay attention.

“My class in particular is pretty laid back…the teacher’s pretty good about making sure you know things and it’s pretty fun,” said Trivers.

Teacher Strauss believes that experience in computer programming is an important for job opportunities, since technology has become a part of nearly every American job. Java Class helps give students the knowledge they need to become engineers, or nearly any other job that involves computers.

“Java is constantly named the most marketable, in-demand programming language. Learning how to code in Java will make anyone more employable in the future,” said Strauss.

The first year of Java Class is up and running. Java Class will continue to offer computer programming for those students with a passion for it in high school.