What Makes a Champion

Felicia Cummings talks about her advantage on the tennis court


Jordan Myers

Eight years is how long junior, Felicia Cummings, reigning District Champion,  has dedicated to perfecting her game. Countless after school practices, summer lessons, and days on the court. However, she did not do it alone.

“My first tennis lesson was actually with Gavin, but he didn’t actually play with me. He probably started when he was 10 or 11,” said Felicia.

Gavin, Felicia’s brother, has been alongside her on the court, pushing and supporting her, for almost 5 years. He is also a part of the tennis team.

“She is a really good tennis player, she practices a lot and she is working hard to get even better,” said Gavin.
This support is not one sided. Felicia also explains how she puts in the effort to make sure Gavin knows she is there for him.
“I manage the team so I get to watch all his stuff,” said Felicia.

This bond helps them grow closer as siblings,and as competitors.
“He always wants to play games against me, he doesn’t actually want to practice,” said Felicia.
Last year she made her way all the to Districts, where she earned her title. This year, she is expected to defend it.
“I want to play in college, I have no clue [where], but tennis will get me scholarships,”said Felicia.
It would be impossible to explain what makes Felicia different from her opponents, to describe what sets her apart and makes her a District Champion, but Felicia might have an idea.
“Girls hit like babies. Gavin hits it hard.” Felicia said.

This extra practice with her brother might be exactly what Felicia needs to cross the bridge from being a good player, to a champion. This sibling rivalry pushes them far beyond the walls of their home, and onto the bounds of the tennis court.

“He thinks he’s better, but he’s not,” Felicia concludes with a warm laugh.

Intent. Staring down the racket, Felicia Cummings takes a moment to stare into the camera. This was before a match against Lee's Summit, where Cummings dominated.
Intent. Staring down the racket, Felicia Cummings takes a moment to stare into the camera. This was before a match against Lee’s Summit, where Cummings dominated.
Felicia plays before a match.
Felicia plays before a match.