The Case for Year Round School
December 31, 2021
4.4% of schools around the world have a year-round schedule. That leaves most of the schools keeping a “regular” schedule, (being nine months long, five days a week, with holiday breaks) is there a reason for that? Year-round school causes issues for the students who attend these schools and the staff who work there.
Planning events are nearly impossible with a year-round school schedule. The article “Pros and Cons of Year-Round School ” explains the difficulties of planning events with school packed schedules, “Families with one child in year-round school and another in traditional school would find it difficult to plan vacations and events. School athletics would be more difficult to schedule if all schools are not on the same timetable” (
Family vacations and sports are important for a child while growing up. They help in creating better relationships with family and the enjoyment of exercise you get from sports. Children also will make memories and learn from these experiences. These are important for growing up. Having this break during the summer makes these things easier to plan and to manage.
Year-round school isn’t only difficult for students, it comes with extra expenses for the schools themselves. The article “Year-round school costs questioned savings projected in report were based on faulty data; Building expenses ignored; Millions more would be spent over 20 years, analysis shows,” explains extra costs year-round schedules bring, “a year-round school schedule would be at least $3 million — and as much as $33 million — more expensive than the traditional school calendar over the next 20 years, a Sun analysis of school system data shows” (
The price of an all year round school has a big difference from schools with a regular schedule. With the extra money they could have without a year-round schedule, they could put more money into school programs and supplies. The price difference affects schools in a negative way, making them put money into areas they could put in others to benefit themselves and their students.
Despite “regular” school schedules advantages for the teachers and students, the year-round school schedule also has its advantages. Some believe that a year-round schedule helps with students forgetting what they learned over the summer. Although this may help, one big break helps students mentally. Having a year-round schedule can be very stressful for students. Having one big break where they don’t have to focus on school can be helpful. When they go back to school they’ll be less stressed because they still have the holiday breaks in between. This will cause students to keep their interest in school. Also, teachers review what they learned the year prior, helping the students remember what they learned that year.
A “regular” school schedule is helpful to both students and teachers. Year-round school causes money issues for the school’s staff, and activity planning issues for students. Year-round school causes issues for the students who attend these schools and the staff who work there.
Anonymous • Feb 19, 2025 at 3:23 pm
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