Teachers: respect them


Mackenzie Zismer, Reporter

Over the years, the media has often emphasized the disrespect educators receive. Such as students taking their education for granted or talking bad about educators all over social media. Specifically teachers get the worst of it, and the lack of respect needs to stop.

Students are known to often take school for granted, they honestly just don’t want to be there. Mostly because students feel like their teachers don’t care about them being their at school. The teachers have not taken the time to connect with their students.

“We have to develop relations with students and make them feel that they are important,” said Principal Steven Miller.

Once students feel that the educators around them actually care about their lives, students become more open. They will feel less like no one cares, and more trusted and appreciated by the adults around them. Students should come to school knowing that the educators are there to help them, with their educational and personal problems.

“We have to have educators to help our students experience life and to learn life lessons,” said Miller.

There are many educators in the world that make connections with their students, but still get the brunt of disrespect. Educators have so much on their plate, from setting up the curriculum to making the material fun to learn. Yet, there are still students out there who refuse the education they are offered.

“Because a lot of their parents make them come so they are just kinda like ‘I do not want to do this. I am going to come cause I have to’,” said freshman Faith Swenson.

Students feel if they are forced to do something it is no longer fun. School is not known to be full of excitement, but the least students should do is show respect. Respect to the educators who come to school before students get there and leave after the students are long gone, they are here working hard they deserve admiration given by others.

When there is disrespect, more often than not there is a reason. Some students have contempt because they are having a tough time, whether it is in or out of school. Students also disregard educators just because they do not like a teacher they have.

“I did not like how [the teachers] teach in their class and so that makes me not like them. So if I do not like their teaching methods and they are also not a nice person than I do not really respect them. It is not just for teachers that is how it is for everyone,” said Swenson.

There are also students who are impolite just to fit in amongst the cool crowd, which is not very cool. Disrespect is not a cool thing it is rude, hurtful, and obnoxious.

If everyone is disrespecting, then no one deserves the free education they are given. Students should be grateful for that by respecting the educators around them. They are there for the benefit of the students. Educators teach students everything they need to know to be successful in life. Without them the world would fall into chaos, no one would know what to do, because no one was taught how to do anything. Educating students is a difficult job, so why make it harder and disrespect them. If students were to respect teachers more, the educators would respect the students more.