The building improvements: the students’ perspective
Traveling. A lot of students walk between the two buildings in the cold December weather to get to their next class. In a couple years there will be more more traveling in cold or muddy weather, for there will only be one building.
December 14, 2015
For a while there has been talk of adding on to the south building of the high school. Which means all students will eventually be back under one roof for every school day. The plan is to start construction during the 2016-2017 school year, and to be finished the following year. The whole district will be switched around. For example, the north building will then become another middle school which will then have not only seventh and eighth grade but sixth grade as well.
A main point brought up by students is that after the high school is converted back into one building there will be no more traveling.
“The worst part is just the cold, or when you walk behind someone that’s really slow,” said freshman Max Kratofil.
By making the school back into one building there will be roughly 2,000 students all together.
“I think it’ll be more crowded, but I don’t know. I think they’ll make it work,” said Kratofil.
Freshman being the youngest class will be the ones that are around for the whole process. Many students have varying opinions on the whole situation. Especially about certain topics like having construction underway during the year.
“I think it’ll be terrible and very annoying,” said freshman Savannah Alvarado.
Other students have a different outlooks on things like this.
“I think if kids are smart and aren’t stupid about it, it’ll be fine,” said Kratofil.
But the main deal is after everything is finished and there is only one building for the whole high school.
“I think it’s going to be a waste of time,” said Alvarado.
Whether or not this improvement plan will be a waste of time or not, we will not know. At least until the 2017-2018 school year when it is estimated that the construction will all be done.