Former students as teachers

Gabby Sullivan, Reporter

Dreams are not meant to stay dreams, they are meant to go out and become reality.

That is exactly what Nicollette Thompson and Alex Berkovich did. They both had dreams, at very young ages, to become a teacher.

“I can remember back when I was in second grade I made a dream pillow with my family and I had two dreams. One was a soccer player and one was a teacher,” said teacher Alex Berkovich.

While Berkovich had two dreams, Thompson’s dream was always to become a teacher.

“I think I always knew. I took cadet teaching my senior year with Mr. Brown, and I got to go to Eagle Glen and that was like the first time I ever got to give a lesson, and I think that was the first time I realized that I can actually do this,” said teacher Nicollette Thompson.

Coming back to teach in the same school they attended was very different for these two, but not for the teachers.

“I think it’s more weird for her than it is for me just because so many teachers she had here when she a student and now they’re colleagues of hers,” said teacher Jeff Moore.

Their experience here has been made great not only because their childhood dreams have come true.

“ I love going into my class and seeing you guys everyday,” said Thompson.

Not knowing what life path will guide has left this advice behind.

“Don’t burn your bridges,” said Berkovich.

Let life lead where it wants, and remember expect the unexpected.Coming back to Ray-Pec wasn’t always part of their plan they still believe that they are doing their best to make a positive impact on students.