Multilingual madness


Caleb Parris, Reporter

English, Spanish, and French are not the only languages known and spoken around our community.

Senior Audrey Warters, speaks three different languages. Warters can speak fluent Chinese, English, but is on the verge of mastering Spanish as well. It does not stop there Warters is wanting to learn at least six languages in her lifetime.

“I’m going into International relations, public policy, and stuff like that. So a lot of the work I want to do in the future is with the U.N. and that would require me to be multilingual. My goal is to learn how to speak six languages by the time I die,” said Warters.

There is perks of knowing multiple languages with getting International jobs and even doing homework. Foreign exchange student, senior Erik Sjoberg, lived in Sweden where the population is not as vast as in countries that speak English.

“I can go on the internet and since Sweden isn’t that big, if I can’t find a Google result I can always look it up in English to find an answer,” said Sjoeberg.

With people who know multiple languages it can affect them as well as help them. Foreign exchange student, senior Laura Lin, experiences dreams in another language at times.

“Usually it’s German because I hear it all the time but since I’ve been here in America I sometimes dream of my grandma and she speaks in English, but she doesn’t even know it,” said Lin.

Like Lin, Sjoberg does not just think in one language he started adapting English thoughts and dreams ever since he moved here to America.

“I think in another language, you start adapting since I speak in mostly english I slowly start counting in english, dreaming in english, and thinking in english,” said Sjoeberg.

The foreign exchange students do well adapting because they find English fun in their opinion.

“English because it is the most fun language, it has the most cultural interest to me,” said Sjoeberg.

Lin knows five different languages including English, German, Chinese, French, and Spanish she finds it very interesting to talk to people in another language other than her own.

“I think it’s very cool to go into another country and just communicate with them with their language,” said Lin.

As these students continue to grow through their languages, they grow as a person as well.