This year, students have decided to promote random acts of kindness throughout their school and community. M.A.D, or Make A Difference, is a program in which subscribers receive a text message every morning describing how students and teachers can display kindness to others.
To sponsor Scott Jermain, small acts of kindness can make the biggest difference within the school community.
“By doing something positive for those around us, we are building up people around us.” said Jermain.
Paying it forward is important because not will only the student benefit, but it also set a precedent for others to achieve.
“It’s not a huge commitment but it challenges you to be a better person for yourself and for the benefit of those around you,” said Senior Stefania Smith.
People who perform the acts of kindness do not necessarily know how their attitude affects their peers.
“It’s important to note that the people who are making a difference don’t really know the impact they are making.” said Jermain
People often forget to show gratitude and appreciation towards others.
“Students talk a lot about how much a teacher or mentor meant to them,” said Jermain, “When asked, most of those students have never told that teacher/mentor that they made a difference in their life.”
The M.A.D program is meant to challenge students to create a more positive environment within the community, whether it be giving a compliment, or holding a door, any act can influence others.
“Other students should get involved to create a school filled with positivity,” said Senior Taylor Holbrook, “M.A.D team requires no time away from your daily life except for the personal time to think about these acts of kindness. There is almost no reason not to join!”
To sign up for M.A.D, Go to rpmadteam.weebly.com or text 81010 with the words @madteam.